Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

Bitter Taste

I wanna staring at a dark sky. See your face from here, and hope you'll never know.
Just keep all my feeling, just pretend nothing happen. But I won't able to do that. It's just like bitter taste of my heart feeling.
Hope to know what's on your mind. Is it the same with mine or not? Nothing. I know

Bitterness, sadness, I wanna crying!! I wanna tell you, everything! What I feel, what I want, and all my hope. :(
I really confused. I really don't know what must I do know. Just like listen a sad song, only listen that song without wanna singing, because my heart is crying!

I need 'delete' button, I wanna forget everything, I wanna erase someone, some memory, and some feeling! I really need it.

Moonlight, can you see my tears? Can you hear my prayers? Can you make me smile (again)? Can you keep this secret forever? Don't tell him anything! You must promise! You must accompany me, while I was crying in your night. Be my bestiest friend, never lied, never hurt me.

Just listen to song here in my heart, I really confused. Then I realize your feeling isn't true. Then I don't know what I'm feeling.

So it just a bitter taste of my heart :)

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